Wednesday, March 14, 2012

'A' Couple Conspiracy Theories

With the finale of Pretty Little Liars and the reveal of 'A' only 6 days away I thought that it would be a good time to do a post about who could possibly be 'A'.

Tuesday nights episode pointed the finger at a couple people trying to keep everyone guessing and luckily for us, it worked.

Mona - There was something up with Mona in this episode, the text from 'A' and how she approached Hanna with it seemed like she was trying to pry something out of her. Then there was the make-out session with Caleb and the text that Hanna received from 'A'. It seemed that Melissa could have sent it, but we never actually saw it, I'm not saying that that means that she didn't send the text but it leaves open the possibility that someone else could have done it. Whats to stop Mona from sending it? We know that she is not short on phones with how she is able to keep giving Hanna new (old) ones. It's by no means a smoking gun, but it does warrant suspicion.

Jenna and Garrett - I don't think that Jenna is 'A', if anything I think that 'A' also has her in their grasp. I believe that 'A' is using Jenna and Garrett to attack The Liars the same way that 'A' is harassing them. As to whether or not they had a hand in killing Allison is another story, I don't know if Jenna would do it, but I wouldn't put it past Garrett.

Melissa - Everyone suspects her right now and this is why I am sure that she isn't 'A' or if she is, she is just apart of a group of people. They wouldn't give away the culprit before the season finale so I believe that this makes Melissa safe from being 'A'.

Ezra - It would actually make him seem like an amazing character. We have had a lot of Ezria action in these last couple episodes with Ezra being a stronger alpha male character than he has been in a while. It would and wouldn't surprise me if the writers have been building this up so that he could reveal that he was 'A' to Aria and pretty much destroying her. Everything that has happened with 'A' trying to reveal Ezria has been pretty tame considering, I mean it was never that threatening if they never got caught so it could have always just been Ezra toying with Aria. His comment to Ella about how there used to be someone who was a threat to him and Aria but now they are gone COULD be talking about his ex, but with the amount of definitely that he said it with could also mean Allison. As you can tell I love to weave a conspiracy.

A Secret Society - This is probably the most probable of all the choices, it would also be one of the coolest. They would be able to end the season with revealing that 'A' is a group of people and the girls catch one of them, but then next season has to figure out who they all are. This is really the only way that Jason could be 'A' since he isn't always in town. After-all, 'A' is everywhere and it makes a lot more sense if a group of people were doing it.

Creepy Doll Kid - He single-handedly turned the show into a crossover with The Hills Have Eyes. I would not be surprised if this creepy little child both killed Allison and is harassing The Liars as 'A'.

These are just my crazy string of thoughts and as you can probably tell I tend to go more towards the crazy theories because I just like them better, they hardly ever end up right but it's more fun to imagine it this way.

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