Friday, April 5, 2013

How Shonda Rhimes Is Doing More For The Gay Community Than You May Think.

Whenever there is a gay couple on a television show my first thought is 'Yay inclusion!' followed right after with 'Yay inclusion?'. More often than not when a television show has a gay couple, they are treated as just that, a gay couple, rather than being treated as a normal couple with normal problems that heterosexual couples have. I wrote a post about it here once before but I believe it's something that needs to be touched on again.

Scandal has a lot going for it; from week to week it is a nonstop roller-coaster of emotion and drama for 42-45 straight minutes. It was the first show on Primetime television that featured an African American woman as the lead character in about 20 years, the same character is also having an on again and off again affair with the President of The United States, all the while she is fixing some serious problems for America’s Elite and doing it with grace and class… well, most times because Olivia is not afraid to get her hands dirty. It's a show filled with rich and extremely layered characters and just as great plots. Within those characters there is the right hand man to the President who tries tirelessly to remain on the Presidents good side and is as morally corrupt as any other character on the show, with his own version of what the greater good is and fights to uphold it. Oh, and he happens to be gay.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Goodbye Weeds! Finale Discussion.

I firmly believe that Weeds could have only ended one of two ways. 1) Nancy dies. Or 2) Nancy finds a way out of the business for good. The show could not have ended with Nancy still doing what she has done for the past 7 years.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Teen Wolf Season 2 Finale & Season 3 Discussion.

Teen Wolf is my biggest obsession right now. I had this big old post made when I first got into the show with how it is better than any other teenage drama out there, but it got deleted and I never rewrote it. So instead I'm just going to talk about the Season 2 Finale, and where I think Season 3 is going to go.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Vampire Diaries Video Recap - 3.20 'Do Not Go Gentle'

Trying the video recap thing again, thought it would be a lot more fun with The Vampire Diaries. So in the video I talk about some of the bigger points in the episode: Alaric, Esther, Bonnie's Untouched Vagina, and Jeremy Gilbert's miracle tears. Also, at one point I try and take on the biggest star of the show: Damon's Eyebrow's, and recreate one of it's scenes.  So if you want to hear my thoughts on last's night's downer of an episode, watch the video below!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Good Wife 3.21 'The Penalty Box' Video Review

 Alright, so I wanted to try something a little different and make a video review rather than a written one. Things are really busy at work and they are screwing with my schedule so I am constantly exhausted and cannot find time to write, so I figured that making a video would be faster and less time consuming. This was actually made yesterday afternoon but I was having issues with uploading the video that I have now fixed, so if I do continue making these videos, they should be up faster.

But anyway, I hope you like the video, and I'm sorry for the amount of 'ums' but its my first video and I was kinda nervous. Let me know what you think! Also, sorry for the weird video cuts, I'm looking for a better video editor...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

'The Good Wife' Recap and Review - 3x20 'Pants On Fire'

I wanted to get this out Sunday night, but my work schedule this week has left me so tired and exhausted that I just couldn’t find the time to sit down and write.  The Good Wife is definitely my favorite show on television right now and I want to try and get the next two episodes that come out reviewed on time, and not 4 days late like this one is. This episode will definitely take its place as one of the top 10 episodes of the series thanks to some amazing acting, and great plot twists...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Little 'Fringe' Speculation

I am a huge Fringe fan. I think it is one of the top 3 shows out there right now in terms of quality. It is also one of the VERY FEW shows that I avoid every type of spoiler out there for, I just feel that going into each episode with no prior knowledge adds so much more to it because it is definitely a show that makes you think. What I want to do with this post is speculate about a couple things from the preview of next week’s episode in which the Fringe Division is somehow in the year 2036. So in case anything has been confirmed or denied via spoilers, I just wanted to clarify that this is based purely on my own speculation so it could all be kind of wrong....