there is a gay couple on a television show my first thought is 'Yay inclusion!'
followed right after with 'Yay inclusion?'. More often than not when a
television show has a gay couple, they are treated as just that, a gay couple,
rather than being treated as a normal couple with normal problems that
heterosexual couples have. I wrote a post about it here once before but I
believe it's something that needs to be touched on again.
has a lot going for it; from week to week it is a nonstop roller-coaster of
emotion and drama for 42-45 straight minutes. It was the first show on Primetime
television that featured an African American woman as the lead character in
about 20 years, the same character is also having an on again and off again
affair with the President of The United States, all the while she is fixing
some serious problems for America’s Elite and doing it with grace and class…
well, most times because Olivia is not afraid to get her hands dirty. It's a
show filled with rich and extremely layered characters and just as great plots.
Within those characters there is the right hand man to the President who tries
tirelessly to remain on the Presidents good side and is as morally corrupt as
any other character on the show, with his own version of what the greater good
is and fights to uphold it. Oh, and he happens to be gay.