Monday, September 17, 2012

Goodbye Weeds! Finale Discussion.

I firmly believe that Weeds could have only ended one of two ways. 1) Nancy dies. Or 2) Nancy finds a way out of the business for good. The show could not have ended with Nancy still doing what she has done for the past 7 years.

Ending it like that would have left it too open for Nancy to fall back into her ways of putting herself and her family in danger. The finale gave us just that, a way out for Nancy permanently and she actually took it. She sold her share of the business and is now able to solely focus on herself which she hasn't been able to do.

I personally loved the finale, I thought it was very personal and quiet which is what the show really needed after 7+ years of constant chaos. It was a big thank you to the fans, and I love it when finales do that, it gives something extra to those who have been around since the beginning.

I want to start with that ending though, with them ending with Rilo Kiley’s ‘With Arms Outstretched’... I cried. Rilo Kiley is my favorite band, and when they played it in the Pilot, that pretty much sealed the deal for me with continuing on with this show (not to say the content of the Pilot wasn’t worth it on it’s own, but that was the cherry on the top). The core 5 coming back together with Nancy right in the middle of everything, and then finally taking a drag when offered from Andy. It was just very well shot.

I’ve seen people complain about the last episode being a time jump right after the big sexcapades that went on with Nancy and Andy, saying that we didn’t get to see the fall out. To that I say, you weren’t really watching the episode then. They explained pretty clearly that Nancy hasn’t seen Andy pretty much since that point. I can only go on to guess that he became apart of the business through Silas. I thought it was pretty clear that Andy left and never came back, and from there Nancy stayed with Rabbi Bloom. I thought that their story was pretty damn great in the finale, it was a nice change from Andy always looking for Nancy, to Nancy frantically looking for him. When he brought up that she was there to take him in no matter what type of shit he got into or did, and that he wants to do the same for her, that’s pretty much when the waterworks had started. I don’t see how anyone could have been deluded enough to think that the writers were finally going to do Andy/Nancy after 7+ years. I don’t think that Nancy ever really wanted Andy as a lover, but she needed him, he was her rock, her support, and if the only way to keep him around was to be his lover, then she was going to do it. The final scene between just the two of them solidified that, she never offered to be with him, but rather wanted him by her or her by him. Andy finally figured out that that type of a relationship is unhealthy and until she could figure out herself, he couldn’t be around her.

The theme of the episode was definitely fathers, if by some chance you didn’t get that as it was shoved down your throats. That is probably the only think I really didn’t like about the episode was about how self aware everyone was about that. That being said I loved that they went with this theme seeing as you could build a very strong argument saying that where the boys each went in life is a direct result of losing their father figure. Andy was as close as a father figure that they got once Judah died, but even then he was more friend than father. Silas was at the point in his life where having a father wasn’t going to cause any real damage, but there was still some guiding that he could have used, he wasn’t finished. Shane on the other hand was never able to really cope with Judah’s death, he was never able to fully understand his father’s love and it damaged him. His relationship with Mitch in the future is a great example of this. Shane clung to the first male role model that thought he was something really special, no matter how badly Mitch  fucked over his life. I’m glad that Silas is living a happy life with his kid and wife, that he has become a good father the way that Judah was towards him. I also like that he won’t interfere between Nancy and Megan, I think that Nancy needs to mend that bridge herself and not try to pull Silas into the middle of it. That being said, Megan could have toned it down a little. It’s not like Nancy was going to hand the baby a joint...

Honestly I really don’t want to go into the Doug stuff, because as much as I thought he had some really funny parts all season long, I just don’t get how his story really fit in with everyone else. They say they got rid of Celia because of this, but after the finale I’m not thinking so, I think that something went down with Jenji Kohan and Elizabeth Perkins. There was plenty of opportunity to have Celia SOMEWHERE if they can have a whole side story with just Doug and him building a cult. I don’t know who didn’t want who, or whether they both don’t like each other but I wasn’t going to let it spoil the finale for me like a lot of others did. See, I loved Celia but I’m not going to let something like an Actor/Writer feud take away from my enjoyment of a series I really love.

Okay, maybe I will talk about the Doug stuff a little. I think that he got a fitting end... well fitting for Doug. He finally has power and wealth and he had to work very little for it. It’s classic Doug. I really enjoyed that they got Justin Chatwin back since his only other episode was the Pilot, it was just one of the little joys of doing a throwback from the Pilot. Him talking to Nancy about how good his life is now and that his mother was amazing through all of it got me all worked up, very sweet.

I think it also needed to end in the future because we needed to see that she did finally do right with one son, that she didn’t fuck up one of her kids lives at one point. Even though she is sending Stevie away to boarding school, she is doing it so that he can be happy, so that she can know that she won’t screw up his life. I loved that she stepped in and took charge with Shane and that he is going to get into Rehab and remove Mitch from his life. She can see that he still needs guidance but he can’t do that by living with her (even if she wants him to) and that he needs to do it on his own.

It’s been a great ride with Weeds. Sure it’s had it’s up’s and down’s, but what show hasn’t? People want to get mad and say that the show should have ended when they left Argrestic, but that would mean that she show was ultimately about the town rather than Nancy trying to make a life for her family. There were time when I hated Nancy, but she is a character with serious flaws that was just trying to do what she thought was right for her family. I’m glad I was there for all 4 of Nancy’s husbands, her many homes, and her insane friends. I’m glad I got to see this show last long enough for me to really get a big grasp on who all of these characters are and were. I’m just glad that I got to be there for the ride.

Thank you Nancy. 

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