Thursday, August 16, 2012

Teen Wolf Season 2 Finale & Season 3 Discussion.

Teen Wolf is my biggest obsession right now. I had this big old post made when I first got into the show with how it is better than any other teenage drama out there, but it got deleted and I never rewrote it. So instead I'm just going to talk about the Season 2 Finale, and where I think Season 3 is going to go.

I felt really bad for Stiles in this episode, but at the same time found him kind of annoying. I don't think I have ever really been annoyed by Stiles in an episode before but this one... he just annoyed me during parts. When he went in on Lydia about her death affecting everyone around her, not just her, that pissed me off. He cannot tell her that she can't go out and fight when he is going to go and do the same exact thing. He is a human, just like her (as far as we know...) so I don't see what ground he has to stand on telling her this. Then after she clearly chose Jackson, he is still whining about how he is going to have to go after her harder. I get that he loved her, but he has known how she feels about Jackson since the begining and it's one thing to be sad that she chose Jackson, but the still try and go for her even though he saw with his own eyes the bond between Lydia and Jackson he still thinks that pressing her about it will change her mind. It's just really annoying to see a guy like Stiles think that Lydia is his only option. I mean, it didn't ruin him for me or anything, I just didn't like his direction for parts of the episode.

The best part of the episode for me actually goes to a Stiles scene, where him and his father meet again after Stiles was kidnapped.Their relationship is probably the best part of the show in my opinion. It's just so genuine, and lovely, and I don't know.. heartfelt? That seems way too hallmarky for what it actually is but right now it's the only way I can describe it because my feelings are taking over. The Sheriffs pure love for his son is just so amazing and I am glad that these two actors can pull it off so perfectly.

The biggest shock of the episode was that Scott was one step of Gerard the whole time. Maybe it's because I couldn't see Tyler Posey pulling this off, and it's just throwing me. Nah, but I loved that they put that little pill switch earlier because I remember wondering if it was actually going to be something. All in all, it was a pretty genius plan by any of the standards in the show.

Lydia was actually in the middle of things this episode, and actually aware of what was going on. It was a good moment for her. Well, the good moment didn't actually come until after Jackson came back to life, but it was good for her to actually be in the middle of everything.

And then there is Allison... I love Allison, I really do, I was even rooting for the writers to keep her on a dark path longer to have her road from redemption be that much harder, but that much more satisfying. I still loved her in the episode, Crystal Reed does badass like no ones business. I will admit, I was about to strangle her when I thought that she had killed King Issac, but that went away as soon as I saw that he was alive. I wouldn't have hated the character if she had, but I still would have been pissed about it. I like that next season will be spent with Scott and Allison apart and that we will actually get to see her without him, and how she acts being by herself.

Oh! And Jackson. He was pretty much just not there but for like 5 seconds. Still fucking hot though.

In Season 3 I believe that we are going to find out that it exists in the same universe as Pretty Little Liars, and that Maya faked her death in Rosewood to go to Beacon Hills and help out the Vet protect the town from Werewolves. Nah, but I do hope that she gets a bigger role in Season 3. I feel that we are going to delve a LOT deeper into the mythology within Teen Wolf in Season 3, and the both of them are going to be the leaders in delivering that information.

I'm hoping that Season 3 brings Scott's Alpha traits into the foreground. Originally I had seen Season 2 ending with Scott becoming a full out Alpha, but it just further seperated him from Derek being his Alpha. Granted this will help lead into that, I just though Jeff Davis might hurry it along with that. I'm actually glad that he is gonna explore Scott's rise to Alpha rather than make him one so quick. It's going to be a great journey to see.

According to Jeff Davis, the fact that Jackson's eye's glowed bright blue when he turned into a werewolf is supposed to be a big plot detail next season. I'm guessing that it will have to do with his parents. I could see him being the son of two Alpha's, and then given up because they were scared of having to raise him in the pack and wanted him to have a safe life. At the same time, I feel like that is just too... predictable. I think at the very least it will be a variation of that.

In terms of Season 3, I think I'm most excited to see where Mr. Argent will be. Will he team up with Scott against these Alphas, is he going to try and seperate himself completely from werewolves and just protect his daughter? I really want to see where they are going to take him next year.

It was a great finale. Not at all what I was thinking it would be (in most respects) but it was still amazing. It was action packed, and had just enough drama without being over the top and cliched for a teen drama. There were cliffhangers, but the ending didn't rely on them and I liked that. I actually really liked that. Too often are there shows that just rely on some big old Cliffhanger to get people to return the next year, but Teen Wolf gave a bit to look forward to, and is relying more on its storytelling and characters. I cannot wait for the next season and am even more excited that it is going to be 24 episodes long. It's gonna be a great Teen Wolf year.

I know that this was a pretty rough post, but I'm getting back into this and it's late and I've talked this to death already so every time I write I feel like I am just repeating myself. Maybe next time I won't wait forever to write about an episode after it airs....


  1. Yes! Teen Wolf discussion! Seriously, this show is so good! I've written a lot in the Teen Wolf thread at BF if you want to read more of my thoughts. I love you bring up some different points!

    I honestly got chills from Stiles speech about how death affects those that live on. It was an interesting perspective since we usually think of the tragedy of someone dying young. But it is a valid opinion that after dying, you aren't in pain and don't have to go on living. I believe Stiles' perspective has to do with how his mother's death  affected him and his father. The best part of the speech was that Stiles realized what he was saying, how it scared her, and how it was wrong. He knows that it is Lydia's life and that he would have done the same thing if it meant saving her or his dad. We all make mistakes and it is the recognizing them that is so important. So I love him a billion times for when he backed off.

    I also found Stiles' tears after Jackson is safe to be an interesting character reveal. I know much of the Internet thinks he is sad that Jackson is alive and he doesn't get Lydia. However, for me that Stiles would even cry touches me. I saw it more as him being conflicted by all the emotion of how: 1) Lydia's love could save someone, 2) how he was proud and even more in love with her not hiding and instead coming to rescue Jackson, and 3) accepting that Jackson was a normal teen with fucked up personal parental abandonment issues just like  himself and not just the rich arrogant jock.

    I am definitely not interested in Lydia and Stiles yet as a couple. But I definitely don't think that she belongs with Jackson. Jackson was often horrible to her. And we see in S1 how much of her intelligence she has to hide so that she is compatible with Jackson (and to keep from triggering his inferiority complex). I think she loves Jackson much more than he cares for her. I think Lydia needs to develop her own confidence in herself rather than needing a boyfriend to make herself feel complete. 

    Definitely interested in why Jackson's eyes were blue like Derek's in S1. Interesting theory! Jackson had to be bit...wouldn't that mean he wasn't born a werewolf? And we learned in 2.07 that Jackson's parents were killed in a car wreck and he was born after his mom was declared dead. 

    Yes, the show about crushed me when Boyd took all those arrows and his eyes faded. I practically didn't breath until Allison's dad remarked that she "almost" killed him rather Boyd being dead. I love Teen Wolf so much for not killing its main characters for cheap viewer thrills.

    1. Lyn!! So glad that you found this!

      I loved the points that he made, and I agree that a lot of it stemmed from his mother, but that kind of makes me not want him and Lydia together even more. I feel that he is replacing the loss of his mother with Lydia, he wants someone that he can save, someone that he can make sure is safe. He wants to do for her what he couldn't do for his mom. I fully believe if he was to go after another woman, he wouldn't do it to the degree that he does with Lydia. I just think that he needs to realize this and differentiate the two of them before I could get into them getting together, and this episode just solidified that for me. I just am so annoyed at him over this, like I said I don't like him any differently for it, I am just annoyed with this stage of Stiles.

      YES!! I am very much in agreement to this! I think there was so much more to Stiles' tears than just that he didn't Lydia. He would have pissed me off even more if they were just there because he didn't 'Get The Girl'. I think that he realized that there is so much more to this whole situation than he first thought, that Jackson is another actual person who really needs Lydia's love. I loved that you brung up him being proud of Lydia, I didn't really think of that but I hope it's true because it adds a bit more to his character that I would really like to see more of.

      As far as Lydia and Jackson, I dunno where I really stand there. I think that Season 3 Jackson is going to be a lot different to Lydia, and I want to see where that is before I decide how much I want them together. It feels like we are getting a whole new couple with the two of them, or at least I hope that's what they're doing, so I don't want to judge them just yet. Actually that brings me to another subject; shipping. I love that with Teen Wolf, it doesn't make me really hardcore ship anything. I mean I do enjoy some characters with others (even though it's mainly male/male ships that will never happen) but not to the point where I NEED someone with someone else. For example, I really enjoy Scott and Allison together but if they break up (like they did in the finale) I'm not destroyed over it. I really enjoy that about this show, that the characters are well enough alone, that I don't NEED them with someone else.

      When is a car wreck ever a car wreck though on any television show? I'm thinking there is more to them and their death than what Jackson has been told. But OH! You're right, I forgot that Derek had Blue Eyes in Season 1. Derek's family were werewolves, so maybe he had Alpha parents as well? Do we know anything about Derek's immediate family?

      It's great to watch a show that is only going to kill a character in order to further the story rather than a cheap thrill. They need to stop trying to kill the mini-pack because it is giving me serious heart issues. I love all of them. I know most people hate Erica, but I think she makes a great addition and a great rival to Allison. Like even with her werewolf status, Allison is still a lethal threat to her.

      And I didn't mention it in the actual post but I loved loved LOVED that the episode ended with Scott and Stiles just hanging out. It was cute and a great note to end the season on, with them back to square one. Again, this is a show that is about the story, and not cheap thrills, and this is just a great example of it.

      I just love this show so damn much. I never want it to leave.

  2. Omg! I never even considered that Stiles might be trying to replace his mom with Lydia. Mind blown. I think I would hate that, but it could be true.

    I agree that Stiles needs to grow as well before he and Lydia could be a likeable pairing. I loved that the end scene was him going out and practicing lacrosse. As a kid it is easy to think that things just happen, but it takes maturity to realize that things you want require hard work and determination.

    Love it! "When is a car wreck just a car wreck?" You are so right! I shouldn't take anything for granted. I love the show has all these mysteries. They give us enough info to feel like we know what is going on but there is always more to be revealed. I don't think we know anything about Derek's family. Although I'm dying to know more about his relationship with his sister.

    Definitely agree that I love that Teen Wolf isn't ship based, or worse, about a love triangle! I like all the characters. Plus I love the different ways they all interact with each other. Rather than it only being about who likes who or who is a good/bad girlfriend/boyfriend.

    Gosh, yes! I love Erica too! She is the youngest and I really feel for how her seizures overwhelmed her life before. Of all those that have chosen to be bit, I think she was the only one who had a good reason.

    I love Scott and Stiles! Everything you say about being back to square one. Plus, I appreciate the season ending with their scene rather than any of the scenes teasing mystery. It gave the show such a feeling of being grounded. Like, "this is our life and all the wacky stuff is just part of it" rather than the supernatural drives the course of their lives off track. Plus, I liked ending with a smile rather than impending doom.

    I knooooooow!!! How am I supposed to wait ~7 months until the new season?!
